Other Links and Resources
Additional information for consideration when planning and carrying out decommissioning.
Decommissioning Annual Cost Estimates These reports are produced annually by NSTA to show the progress towards UK Government's objective of safely decommissioning all current and currently planned offshore oil and gas infrastructure for a cost of less than £39 billion (at 2016 prices) and contains benchmarking of operator cost performance.
Decommissioning Success Tracker This page highlights case studies where innovation and collaboration has helped companies achieve significant savings in decommissioning costs relative to use of industry standard methods and technologies.
The National Data Repository for petroleoum-related information and samples The NDR addresses many industry and regulatory needs, including regulatory reporting and information sharing across industry, data archiving and curation. Ensuring regulators, industry, academia and the wider public have access to this information helps create the right conditions for innovation, collaboration and achieving NSTA's targets for Maximum Economic Recovery and cost effective decommissioning.
Further Reading Additional information on the health and safety aspects of oil and gas decommissioning
Offshore Legislation and ACOPS Details of applicable offshore legislation and codes of practice
Guidance on Assessing the Financial Capability of Offshore Oil and Gas Companies to Deliver Decommissioning Options This document provides guidance on the steps taken by government to ensure that the taxpayer is not exposed to undue risk from companies defaulting on their decommissioning obligations, leaving Governmnet and the taxpayer with the decommissioning responsibilities.
Petroleum Act 1998 The Petroleum Act 1998 controls the decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations and pipelines on the UK continental Shelf (UKCS)
OSPAR Decision 98/3 on the Disposal of Disused Offshore Installations The OSPAR Decision 98/3 sets out rules for the disposal of disused offshore installations at sea.
Circular Economy and the Zero Waste Plan This page on SEPA's internet provides information and advice on how SEPA supports Scottish Government's sustainable economy goals.
Oil and Gas Decommissioning Sector Plan SEPA's Decommissoning Sector Plan explains our role in ensuring waste from the decommissioning of oil and gas facilities is managed in ways which will protect the environment and communities from harm. The Sector Plan sets out our priorities and how we will work with the industry and other regulators to achieve these goals together.
Application Forms and Guidance This link on SEPA's website provides information on determining which authorisations or permits your business needs, details of how to apply and guidance on completing the forms and providing the right information to help us in our decision making.
NETREGS - Environmental Guidance for Businesses in Northern Ireland and Scotland NETREGS provides free, easy to use, environmental guidance for businesses on a range of environmental topics and business sectors. NETREGS also provides e-learning and self-assessment tools and links to organisations which can support your business's sustainability goals.